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  • 张文宏深夜发文谈应对奥密克戎:跑赢病毒只是时间问题!|张文宏

    2022-11-28 15:48:19 股票学习网 收藏

Zhang Wenhong, a Shanghai-based infectious disease specialist and a household name in China. /CFP




China is able to control current local outbreaks in about four weeks under the country's "dynamic zero-COVID" policy, Zhang Wenhong, a Shanghai-based infectious disease specialist and a household name in China, said on Friday.

In a post on China's Twitter-like Weibo, Zhang said that the policy is the most critical public health strategy at present, and China is proving able to control the current outbreaks in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and northwest region under the policy.

Screenshot of Zhang Wenhong's post on Weibo



"It is just a matter of time for us to beat the virus, there's no need to panic," he wrote. 

The expert also mentioned that Chinese scientists reacted quickly to the emergence of the Omicron variant, and were able to come up with strategies in two to three weeks to combat the new variant.




The "dynamic zero-COVID" policy is China's overall guideline for COVID-19 prevention and control, which refers to a slew of measures to swiftly stamp out new outbreaks when they happen.




Liang Wannian, head of the expert team on COVID-19 response and disposal at the National Health Commission (NHC), refuted the idea and further clarified the strategy at a press briefing last Saturday.

"'Dynamic zero-COVID' does not mean 'zero infection,' as currently we are unable to ensure that not a single local case occurs," Liang said.

It is China's overall guideline for COVID-19 prevention and control, which refers to a slew of measures to swiftly stamp out new outbreaks when they happened, he clarified.

The gist is to cut off the spread of new infections as soon as possible, instead of just letting go of the situation and allowing it to run out of control, he added.

"We have the ability and confidence to quickly eliminate every new rebound whenever new cases are detected. So this is what we want to emphasize, not to pursue 'zero infection,' but to wipe out new outbreaks as soon as possible," he explained.


而钟南山院士在上月接受 CGTN 采访时却表示,这是恰恰是一种成本相对较低的方法——“你不管它、放开它,成本就更高。”

Some argue that China's stringent approach has come at a high cost. Responding to that question in an interview with CGTN in early November, Zhong Nanshan said that it's a relatively low-cost approach.

"The cost of implementing the current 'zero transmission' strategy is quite high, indeed. But if you ignore the virus and just let go of the situation, the cost will be even higher," he said.

China has taken a "dynamic zero-COVID" policy to swiftly stamp out new outbreaks over the past two years. /CFP




With the "dynamic zero-COVID" strategy, China has rapidly controlled over 40 sporadic coronavirus rebounds since last April when a large scale epidemic was basically eliminated in the country, and also effectively reduced COVID-19-related deaths.

Without its "dynamic zero-COVID" policy, China would have witnessed around 47.8 million cases and about 950,000 fatalities if it were to have the global infection rate, said Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at an economic conference in Beijing in late November.



本文标题:张文宏深夜发文谈应对奥密克戎:跑赢病毒只是时间问题!|张文宏 - 要闻


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