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  • 对话95后宠物殡葬师 | 你从未离开,只是换了一种方式陪伴|PETS

    2022-12-07 10:37:59 股票学习网 收藏



以前,死亡是一个很沉重的、需要避讳的话题,很多人都在回避。但如今,情况已有所不同。 在殡葬这一神秘领域,出现了一群年轻人的身影,他们从事的是帮助他人告别亲人、告别死亡的职业:寿衣模特、代扫墓者、宠物殡葬师……他们用自己的方式来实现自己的价值。

王英豪本来是一名家具设计师, 2019年他开设了一家名为“彩虹星球”的宠物殡葬机构。从此,他进入了宠物殡葬行业。



As a child, Yinghao can remember turning the volume up on his TV so that he wouldn't hear his dog Xiaouha being beaten to death for biting someone. 

Now 26, Yinghao runs a pet mortician business, helping others honor and grieve their furry friends in ways he couldn't.

Yinghao opened Rainbow Planet in 2019 after a short career as a furniture designer. Today, he offers cremation and memorial services to those mourning the loss of their loyal companions, helping them make dignified and caring final arrangements for their pets. Pet owners can choose from a wide range of souvenirs, such as cremation pendants, to help them feel close to their pets after they're gone. He said he was inspired by a news article he read in his office that reminded him of his childhood dog Xiaohua.

"I went to the bathroom and cried and then quit my job," Yinghao said.

Wang Yinghao, 26, founded Rainbow Planet in 2019. He offers cremation and memorial services to those mourning the loss of their loyal companions, helping them make dignified and caring final arrangements for their pets. /CGTN

The pet industry has grown enormously in China in recent years. The current estimated value of the industry is 206.5 billion yuan (about $32 billion), according to the 2020 China Pet Industry White Paper Consumption Report, with money being spent on everything from pet food and toys to medical treatment.

More and more people, especially younger people, are considering their pets an important part of their family, resulting in a growing demand for pet cremation and funeral services. They want to ensure their beloved companion departs with dignity. 

"This is a relatively new industry. Most people are not aware of it. Some pet owners will do an online search after their pets have passed away, and they call us and bring their pets here," Yinghao said.   

Yinghao believed that many pet owners wanted to give their deceased pets a decent farewell but didn't know where to go. He saw an opportunity to fill the gap. 

"This is a 24/7 job. It can be exhausting sometimes, physically and mentally, but when I see what my clients are going through, I just want to help them," Yinghao said. 

After an owner contacts Yinghao, he and his team go to pick up the pet, disinfect, and clean the body. They also massage the body to relax the muscles. It is then put in their cooling facility and transferred to the memorial room so the owners can spend some time with their pet before proceeding to the cremation room.

"The true significance of being a pet mortician is providing emotional healing to the owners," Yinghao said. "Most people will share their stories with us, so it's really heartwarming." 

Rainbow Planet provides a comfortable Goodbye Room for owners to comfort their pets before cremation. /CGTN

Rainbow Planet is decorated with warm neutral colors. Plaques are displayed on a wooden fence outside so that owners can leave messages for their pets. Yinghao also films the whole process for owners and prepares pens and notebooks for those who want to write down their blessings for their pets. It often helps other owners who are going through similar situations to know that someone can relate to the pain and stress they are experiencing.

Zhang Luyang's cat Pearl died in July. She said saying a proper goodbye to her long-time companion, who spent almost 10 years with her, was a real source of comfort.

Zhang was impressed by Yinghao's attention to detail, his patience and the empathy he showed her as she grieved.

"Pearl was a long-haired white cat. She was so beautiful," Luyang said. "I want to make sure she leaves this world gracefully.

"Yinghao really took care of Pearl. He cleaned her up and tidied up her appearance before the cremation. I have great respect for these pet undertakers, and they have brought the greatest comfort to me," Luyang said. 

Rainbow Planet's Pet Memorial Wall. /CGTN

Yinghao believes it is important and healthy for people to acknowledge death and the pain it causes them. 

"I think in our culture, there's not enough education about death; people try to avoid talking about it," Yinghao said. "But I think this final farewell is so important, and I am really proud of what I do. This job is something I think I will do for the rest of my life."

本文标题:对话95后宠物殡葬师 | 你从未离开,只是换了一种方式陪伴|PETS - 要闻


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